Unveiling The Secret of Ayurveda with Feli
What is Ayurveda?
Ayurveda is a 3,000-year-old natural medical system originating from India, rooted in a unique dimension and understanding of life.
Derived from Sanskrit, Ayurveda translates to "knowledge of life,"it holds the key to a balanced life, believing that disease arises from imbalances in consciousness.
Ayurveda advocates lifestyle interventions and natural therapies to achieve harmony among body, mind, spirit, and the environment.
How Ayurveda works and why is it the key to lasting health?
In Ayurveda, each individual is uniquely shaped by their mind-body type, guided by essential qualities known as "doshas."
Similar to traditional Chinese medicine, the five elements of nature—water, earth, fire, space, and air—combine to form three primary doshas: vata, pitta, and kapha. Achieving a perfect balance among these doshas translates to a healthy state. However, disruptions caused by factors such as dehydration, anxiety, stress, low energy, or excessive exertion lead to "vikruti"—an imbalanced state of body and mind.
Ayurveda emerges as a powerful ally in restoring and maintaining health by harmonizing the doshas. Regardless of age, its holistic approach ensures the enhancement of overall well-being, offering a promising path to a balanced and vibrant life.
Our Exclusive Ayurveda Course Modules
Part 1: Theory
Self-Understanding through Ayurvedic Lens
  • Discover your Dosha Types
  • Understanding Your Body Toxins (Ama)
  • Demystify the Digestive Fire (Agni)
Part 2: Practical
Self-Care Ayurvedic Techniques
  • Master Pulse Assessment Technique
  • Oil Pulling
  • Tongue Coating Cleansing
  • Abhyanga Massage
  • Nasal Care Massage
  • Marma Ayurvedic Face Massage (Marma Point Therapy)
  • Natural Ayurvedic Hair
  • Private Part Care
  • Techniques on Cooking Indian Spices Milk
Online Class
8pm - 10pm, 7th March 2024 (Thurs)
8pm - 10pm, 14th March 2024 (Thurs)
8pm - 10pm, 14th March 2024 (Thurs)
Physical Class
2pm - 5pm, 30th March 2024 (Sat)
2pm - 5pm, 31st March 2024 (Sun)

Feli Hoo
Founder of Oshadhi Malaysia/Singapore
Certified Ayurvedic & Aromatherapy Practitioner
Course Fee: RM2,350 / 6 CPD points (20% Discounts for IFPA Students)


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